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Cogwheel Daisy, block 57

Hello Everyone!

I can't believe how far into January we are already! We survived our first "Snowpocolypse" of the year. I was able to accomplish so much!

The block this month is Cogwheel Daisy designed by Debbie Beaves of Violet Patch Quilts. I couldn't get her website to pull up. It could be technology gremlins on my part...if you find her website can you post it in the comments? thanks!

Here is my block. I originally did this with fusible, and by the time I got to the center, it was quite difficult to hand blanket stitch through!

Cogwheel Daisy

Of course, after I post the pic, I see all the fuzz on it from the other blocks in the pile. Can you relate? just keepin' it real, folks.

Here is my video. My helper is busy playing with friends that were purposely "snowed in" with us. Some might think I'm crazy...but honestly...if each boy has a friend or two it's like built in entertainment. Granted, that entertainment can clean out my fridge quickly. Small price to pay, I think...

Quilt on, everyone!


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