Organizational tips!
Hi Everyone!
The other day in the FB group the members mentioned that they would like some organizational tips. Next to Jesus, my family and quilting, organizing is my FAVORITE thing to do. (It's the reason I became a librarian~ yes, I like to read, but I LOVE to organize!)
So, I decided to take some pics of things I use to organize with. I'm keeping it REAL, ya'll. This is my messy house, my messy life. (but it's an organized mess!)
The first two are the "shoe" holders that I keep my spices in. (one on each side of the door) When I did this a few months ago I was able to empty **2** shelves in my cupboard. I don't like that these are see through, but I do like that they are washable if I get some spice mixture on them.
This next one is the one in my bathroom. When I shut the door (as I often do so I can have just a MINUTE of peace and quiet) I like that it's to the left of my mirror. It's so convenient. I have everything also placed in the order that I use them in the morning. I did this years ago when I couldn't get ready in the morning without 1,000 interruptions and would show up at work with half my make up done, or my hair not dried. (it has really happened!)
This next one is my quilt studio. I don't have a lot it in yet. Yes, that is a fire extinguisher. I have it on hand in case I get a little wild while cutting fabric with the laser. My mom uses hers to store her cones of fabric.
This is my pantry. It looks really messy, but most of the time everyone in my family can find what they need, so I consider it organized. The shoe holder keeps some of the smaller items from getting lost. It's also a great place for things that the boys want to find quickly in the morning while fixing their lunches.
This is the main bathroom. Maybe not very decorator friendly, but again, it works for us. I like how I can find what I need quickly and don't have to rummage through the linen closet.
This next one is in my son's room. Originally, I did this as a way for them to dress themselves in the morning. Each row had "big boys" (what we called underwear), socks and a few shirts/pants for them to choose from. My boys' like to feel that they had a choice in what they wore. Honestly? as long as it was (somewhat) clean, I really, REALLY didn't care. Now you can see Chi keeps his stash of Nerf gun bullets handy.
I hope this was helpful for you. You may not use it exactly like I have, but it can be adjusted to fit your needs.
keep quilting!