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More work on the beach quilt!

Hey Everyone!

I spent this past weekend in Richmond, VA at the quarterly meeting of the Virginia Consortium of Quilters (

I know, I know. It was Mother's Day. I should have spent it at home with my heathen children.

But I didn't. I decided to spend it doing something for ME.

I worked on my beach quilt border. For those who haven't seen is a close up.

dolphin border for beach quilt

I'm actually finishing up the fourth side and should be able to sew it on this weekend. Here is a picture from this past weekend... not the best pic, but hey, I was standing on a chair. lol

beach quilt. almost done!

I've already spoken to my long arm quilter, she is expecting this behemoth sometime in the next few weeks. whew! I'll be glad when it's done!

I've worked on this project for almost 3 years. I'm SO ready to be done with it! How about you? are you tired of working on a project by the time you get done? Leave a comment!

keep quilting!


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