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those pesky Y seams...

Hello Everyone!

Happy Birthday to my oldest son, Mo! Today he turns 10. Where has the time gone???

I was working on my beach quilt the other day and even with precut pieces the Y seams were still giving me fits! Being a librarian by day I knew a little research would help the situation. Here are just a few helpful videos I found! I would love a comment if you have a quick and easy technique for those Y seams we all dread!

From my personal favorite, Edyta Sitar...

and the rule breaker herself...Kaye Wood

and Jinny Beyer shows how to hand piece a Y seam...

They make it look so easy with the large pieces. The quilt block I was working on the other day had 1 inch pieces. Maybe that was my problem? lol

Until next time, keep quilting!


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