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Steady progress is still progress, right?

Hey Everyone!

Sorry this post is getting out late! The boxes from the last post? yes, those. It was the fabric from Ebony Love of LoveBug Studios for her Rooms of the Abbey die cut kits. I've been busy as a bee in a field of flowers working on those kits. All I can say is, I'm glad my boys know how to heat up hot pockets in the microwave. They would have starved otherwise.

These are the boxes almost complete:

I have a few small orders that I'm working on this week. Let me know if I can help you get a pattern cut--I do all the work and you get the fun part. What's not to like?

I also plan to get back to my bathroom remodel. It was put on hold for the last week. My goal was to get it usable before I go back to school on July 21st. I'm thinking that was overly optimistic at this point. Miracles happen, though.

Gotta run! keep quilting!


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