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A new laptop...and more fun...

Hello Everyone!

I'm sorry for the prolonged laptop died a few weeks ago and it's been an ordeal (and a half!) to get a new one and be somewhat up and running. My IT guy thinks he can get my "stuff" off the old laptop, so keep those positive vibes coming my way. I really hope that is the case. My personal files were backed up, I didn't lose any pics of my precious family, but all my quilt files from the last 10 years have yet to be recovered.

If you have a project that was on my old laptop I hope I have communicated with you about the delay. At some point I may have to recreate the wheel and start over. Thank you for your patience with this.

We are in the middle of testing at the middle school where I work during the day. My main job is to sit in the hall and escort students to the bathroom while testing is in session. I bring out my scrappy hexie project and work on it this time of year. This is a sort of self "challenge" project--no two hexies can be the same. The challenge is to see how big I can make it before accidentally repeating a fabric. Here is where I am on the project.

These hexies measure 1 1/4" inches on each side. Right now it is the size of a baby blanket. I'll keep working on it.

I was able to attend a Quilt Show last weekend with my Mom. I hope you had a great weekend spending it with family or friends. I will have pics of the show soon. My 6 yo son, Malachi, was my official photographer. I need to get the pics off his camera. He does a really good job considering his age.

keep quilting everyone!


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